Thursday, April 8, 2010

the Waterproof Camera

Planning to go Lang Tengah in May...
Planning to swim in the lovely sea...
Planning to do diving...
Planning to stroll on the beach...
Planning to take a lot of nice nice pix....

WAIT!!!!!!!!! to take nice nice pix under the sea?!?!
So, here I go bought this lovely pinky Waterproof Camera at a very Cheap Price!!!
RM 50 only!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG
seriously, only RM50!!
But hor...Actually hor....
I don't even know how to function it!
the only thing I know is....
It has to use 35mm Film noh! Anyway, I might blog the pix result in the future.

Does it really Waterproof??!
I really make a test.
Throw it in to a pail which filled with water...

It's really waterproof (IDK how am I going to show u here)
At least the inner part is dry
Only the appearance looks wet.


  1. serious? where can I buy this???

  2. I saw it online a few days ago and thought of getting it but not sure if I should cos I don't know if it will work.

    Now I know!

  3. @corvina: I bought this from my friend, if you interested, drop me an e-mail.

    @Jan: or...u wanna wait my next post on this Camera results? but i'm not sure when i'm gonna blog about it...
